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Design & Technology at Beaconfields


At Beaconfields, our vision for design and technology is to enable every child with a comprehensive understanding and ability to think, intervene creatively and to solve problems both as individuals and members of a team. At Beaconfields we encourage children to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products. The children are also given opportunities to reflect upon design and technology its uses and effectiveness whilst being encouraged to take risks and innovate.


Key Stage One and Key Stage Two are taught through a variety of key concepts which come from the foundation built upon in the Early Years. This is underpinned by Rosenhine Principles. 

The skills are built up within the cycle of: research, design, make and evaluate.

Research: Children start by looking at a significant person within that field and their invention and how it influences the child.

Design: Children are given a design aim which they link and discuss to create their own design

Make: Make their own product, every term.

Evaluate: Finally, they evaluate their product based on their aim and then market their product to the target audience.

For cohesion these four areas are taught throughout five knowledge and skills rich concepts.

Mechanisms: Products that have motion and the ability to move which have specific input and output.

Food and Nutrition: Nutrition is the study and process of how the body uses food to carry out and maintain its healthy function.

Textiles: The designing, both on paper and electronically, leading to the making of garments of clothes

Structures: The arrangement of relationship of two or more parts.

Electronics: The design of circuits and their uses within a range of products.


Beaconfields children will have a critical understanding of Design and Technology in daily life and the wider world. Children will become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens whom can make an essential  contribution to the community.

BeaconfieldsPrimary School
Contact Us
01785 785699 Beaconfields Primary Schooloffice@beaconfields.academyRamson Avenue, Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 1ZY
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust